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All Types of Auditing Services in Dubai

All Types of Auditing Services in Dubai

Table of Contents

Audits can be intimidating for companies. But with careful preparation, they don’t have to be painful. This comprehensive guide walks through a foolproof 4 step pre-audit planning process. Get ready to confidently tackle audits that showcase your business’s responsibility and compliance.

Organize All Documentation Flawlessly

Auditors will request access to extensive corporate documentation like:

  • Financial statements
  • Contracts
  • Inventory records
  • Invoices
  • Policies
  • Bank statements

Having perfectly organized documentation makes satisfying auditor requests easy. It also demonstrates responsible record keeping and transparency.

Follow these best practices to prep your documents:

Use a Logical Classification System

  • Categorize documents by type, department, year etc.
  • Create color coded folders or a computer file hierarchy. This intuitive structure enables anyone to quickly find what auditors need.

Digitize Paper Records Where Possible

  • Scan print records for easy searchability.
  • Label scanned files logically by type/date.
  • Store scanned docs in cloud storage like Dropbox to access from anywhere.

Searchable digital archives massively expedite providing specific paperwork or answers.

Purge Outdated Material

  • Review documents and discard expired versions beyond retention timeframes.
  • This prevents confusion with old policies or inactive contracts.

Confirm Key Info is Current

  • Double check employee handbooks, standard contracts and compliance policies are updated.
  • Having accurate materials avoids issues and reflects operational excellence.

Do Dry Runs

  • Test readiness by doing an internal document request fire drill.
  • Ensure needed files can be produced within deadline.

Following these rules guarantees you can swiftly serve up any documents auditors demand.

Grasp Audit Scope and Logistics

Never go into an audit blind. Get clear visibility upfront on what areas auditors will assess and exactly how the process will unfold.

Define Areas in Scope

Sit down with auditors early and learn:

  • Which corporate divisions are included
  • If assessing physical facilities or just digital systems
  • Whether reviewing inventory stock counts
  • If examining personnel policies and training

Map Out Audit Schedule

  • Ask for each phase’s timeline – planning, fieldwork, finalizing reports
  • Understand number of weeks auditors will be onsite
  • Schedule your own teams appropriately around site visits, interviews etc.

Learn Format of Wrapping Up

  • Format/cadence of updates during fieldwork
  • How exit interview & report delivery will happen
  • Protocol for remediation and re-audits if issues found

Arming yourself with detailed scope and plans prevents surprise expansions or timing problems.

Brush Up on All Regs and Requirements

Every business must abide by regulations. Pre-audit is the time to brush up on rules and laws related to your records, data governance, industry, location etc.

Refresh Industry Specific Regulations

  • Research if standards like HIPAA (health), PCI compliance (finance), or ISO certifications apply.
  • Review resources from regulatory bodies to ensure you are fully up to date.

Study Financial and Data Regulations

  • Many laws govern corporate accounting, transparency reporting, privacy policies and data security.
  • Carefully study resources from your government accountability office, federal trade commission and legal teams.

Check for Recent Updates

Regulations frequently change. Check for revisions to laws impacting:

  • Tax codes
  • Environment/sustainability reporting
  • Data retention and protection
  • Employment practices
  • Accessibility mandates

Resolve Any Gray Areas

  • Better to discover control gaps or conflicts of interest ahead of time.
  • Review policies with legal counsel to identify and fix problems.

Extensive regulation review protects you from audit violations and keeps your compliance top notch.

Evaluate and Enhance Internal Controls

Audits assess how well corporate procedures and controls prevent issues like fraud or data loss. Perform your own internal audit a month prior to the real one.

Assess Past Audit Remediations

  • Verify you fully resolved all action items from the last audit.
  • If anything remains incomplete, prioritize finishing.

Examine Control Frameworks

Common frameworks like COSO or COBIT provide control principles aligned to best practices. Leverage them to evaluate the strength of current controls.

Consider controls for:

  • Physical asset security
  • System user access
  • Inventory management
  • Data governance
  • Financial transaction approval chains

Identify Any Control Gaps Determine:

  • Which controls fall short of frameworks or common standards
  • If any processes lack robust validation checks
  • Whether duties are adequately separated across users

Create Remediation Plan

  • Document improvements needed to policies, systems permissions, warehouse controls etc.
  • Get stakeholder sign off on changes required to hit compliance by audit kickoff.

Solid self auditing ensures you fix gaps well before the real audit occurs.


Thorough audit preparation via this 4 step guide demonstrates responsibility and transparency. It provides obligatory visibility into finances, operations and compliance. And it facilitates an efficient process that minimizes business disruption. Use these comprehensive readiness best practices to tackle your next audit with confidence!


What if we have limited time to gather historical documents?

Focus first on assembling priority financial records and contracts. For other documents, show auditors your process for accessing archived materials on request. Pledge to provide any historical items they need later.

Can auditors expand scope mid-audit?

Yes, sometimes new concerns emerge requiring more details. Cooperate fully and provide additional samples or data requested even if last minute. But push back firmly if expansions seem excessive or outside initial scope.

What level of audit training is needed for employees?

Cover basics like cooperating fully and proper communication tone with client facing teams. Ensure finance, operations and inventory managers understand documentation needs and protocols. But extensive training



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